IHS concludes that sales in cost optimized Digital technologies, such as DMR will grow rapidly

IHS’ upcoming market analysis report, DMR, dPMR & Competing Technologies – World 2014’, indicates that over three million Cost Optimized digital technology terminals will be shipped in 2018, outstripping analogue & all other digital technology shipment

The findings of this research are taken from the IHS study ‘DMR, dPMR & Competing Technologies – World – 2014’. This report aims to provide a clear and in-depth analysis of this market, from the leading providers of research on DMR, NXDN, PDT and dPMR.

According to IHS, the report offers the highest level of granularity available on the market, including shipments & installed base estimates and projections from 2010 – 2018 for each Cost Optimized Digital technology and six vertical applications (Public Safety & Security, Transport, Military, Utilities, Industrial, PAMR and Other) for 18 countries and sub-regions. Also the report allows manufacturers to identify the emerging opportunities and developments that will impact the market over the next five years.

Some key findings by IHS are:

  • IHS’ upcoming market analysis report, DMR, dPMR & Competing Technologies – World – 2014’, indicates that over three million Cost Optimized digital technology terminals will be shipped in 2018, outstripping analogue and all other digital technology shipments.
  • Cost Optimized Digital technologies, such as DMR, dPMR, NXDN and PDT, are forecast to be the strongest growing digital communications technologies between 2014 and 2018. This set of digital technologies has surpassed all expectations as end users are moving quicker than ever to migrate from analogue to digital.
  • Sepura’s recent acquisition of Fylde Microsystems indicates the increased M&A and partnership activity occurring in the PMR market, especially with regard to those companies offering Cost Optimized Digital solutions.
  • Cost Optimized digital technologies will see the greatest uptake in the commercial, utility, transportation and industrial sectors, where higher-cost technologies have not yet gained significant traction (with P25, TETRA and TETRPOL focused primarily on the Public Safety and Security sector). In countries such as France, Italy, Eastern Europe and Germany, industrial activity and utility and transportation infrastructure is being heavily invested in, and therefore provides an interesting opportunity for DMR and other Cost Optimized technologies to infiltrate.
  • For users looking for a new LMR system, the increasing range of digital solutions and increased competition between different technologies offer a wider choice and a variety of budget options.
  • For countries or regions where there are price sensitivities or spectrum restrictions, the relevance of Cost Optimized Digital technologies in particular offer a cost effective and easy migration to digital, especially now there are price tiers that cater to a range of users. Where higher-end Cost Optimized Digital systems with trunking functionality might be appropriate for regional networks in the transportation or utility sectors, lower-end Cost Optimized Digital systems might offer a good alternative to commercial end users that might consider more expensive solutions to be over-engineered for their needs.

Data Applications for DMR Systems:

With this data and forecast in mind, it is safe to assume that the coming boom will also bring about both a strong desire and a need for affiliated DMR Data Applications. SafeMobile is capable and more than ready to conquer the curve, offering a world of wireless applications designed and developed with DMR user needs specifically in focus.

As a premier Application Developer, solutions provider and Systems Integrator for DMR communication systems, SafeMobile channels more than two decades of experience in design and development of intuitive, agile and visually appealing mobile experiences that include voice and data applications for digital two-way radios, as well as enterprise device-specific solutions. Rather than viewing DMR Data Applications as a stand-alone third-party tools, SafeMobile creates mobile solutions that not only offer an exemplary user experience, but also help accomplish key business goals.

For more information about SafeMobile and available DMR Data Applications, please visit www.safemobile.com or contact sales@safemobile.com today!

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